  Public Ticket #2334242
Error 400


  • Francesco Critelli started the conversation

    I had problems with the transfer of the plugin, I had to do it in ftp but unzipping the zip and patching it up with the manager of aruba (provider). I managed to install it, but now it doesn't make me do anything, it always gives me error 400 and saves some things but events for example don't save them.
  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Francesco Critelli, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Error 400 implies that the server was unable to process the request, they don't say much about the cause of the issue, unfortunately. 

    Because you said you had issues with the plugin installation, could you please follow these steps for updating Amelia and check afterwards if the issue is gone (maybe something wasn't successfully installed):

    1) Download the zip from our store 

    2) Use FTP to open /yourwordpressfolder/wp-content/plugins

    3) Delete existing ameliabooking folder

    4) Upload previously downloaded ameliabooking folder through FTP to plugins folder (unzip it)

    5) Go to WP-admin panel, open Plugins section

    6) Deactivate Amelia Plugin, and then activate it again

    7) Clear server and browser cache


    If you are using hosting where you are not allowed to your FTP  then follow those instructions:

    1) Download the zip from our store 

    2) Delete Amelia plugin from WordPress Plugins page

    3) Click on Add new on Plugins page

    4) Click on Upload plugin on Plugins page

    5) Choose previously downloaded ameliabooking zip file

    6) When uploading is done, please Activate Amelia plugin

    7) Clear server and browser cache.

    Please note that if you delete plugin from Plugins page you WILL NOT lose your data, because it is already saved in your database.

    Please note that our plugin have a size of around 6 MB so if yo are not able to upload the plugin through WordPress plugins page, then you need to increase following:

    upload_max_file size, 

    post_max_size ,


    You should be able to find these values in your php.ini file or on your hosting panel. If you can't find it yourself please ask your hosting provider to provide it.

    If you update Amelia following the above steps and still have the same issue, maybe you have the issuebecause of the memory limit on your server, so you can ask your hosting provider about that. 

    Let me know if this helped!