  Public Ticket #2325265
Registration event for members and none members


  •  1
    Mitch started the conversation


    I have attached a the URL of an example of what I need to develop. 

    I need to setup an event for members and none members registration. If you are a member you will select your member company and discounted members dinner price. If you are a none member you will pay full price selection members company. You will reserve your entry and receive an email of your conformation. Does your have these highlighted features?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Mitch,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately something like this is not possible with our plugin. We don't have option to show selection box at the beginning to divide members and none members and show them different booking form and price based on that. What is possible is for you to create this selectbox outside of our plugin and show different booking forms on two different pages based on what customer selects. So the customer would see two buttons to choose whether he is member or not, click on each button would redirect him on the new page where our booking shortcode would be shown with one specific event set in the shortcode. You would need to make two different events in our plugin with different custom fields and prices and you would put them on two pages. We have option to show one specific event on the page with choosing specific event ID.

    Best regards.

  •  1
    Mitch replied

    Thank you very much for the knowledge of a solution in developing some that is due able. I will look at your plugin in again and make a decision.