  Public Ticket #2324946
booking information


  •  1
    Jérôme Trehin started the conversation


    I am currently rebuilding my website,

    Could you tell me if I can save my amelia database to reuse it on the new version of my website. I will not change the url, it will remain https://hypnose-bonheur.fr

    I know how to export the appointments, and client list, but I want to save the whole database including settings, history of appointments, clients informations... to reuse it on the new version of my website.



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Jerome, 

    When someone wants to recreate a same website with all settings, we recommend using Duplicator plugin. With this plugin you will duplicate everything that you have on your website, not Amelia only. Duplicating the database itself would be more complicated because of foreign keys and Amelia settings in the wp_options table.

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,