  Public Ticket #2320148
Questions about Amelia before I buy the product


  • Henk Bloemink started the conversation

    Dear Sir / Madam,

    I've some questions regarding Amelia.

    1) When I'll use locations in a drop down list, will it show up in alphabetical order ?

    2) If I purchase Amelia for one year, what will happen if I unsubscribe ? Will it still work ?

    3) Can I install Amelia on my site for testing purposes and move it to another domain when completed ? off course I'll delete Amelia on my site.

    Kind regards,

    Henk Bloemink

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Henk Bloemink,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    1) Yes, Locations are shown in alphabetical order.

    2) Yes, after the first year expires you will still be able to completely use the plugin just without our updates and our support.

    3) Yes, just make sure to deactivate it on the testing site before you activate it on the another domain.

    Best regards.