  Public Ticket #2320122
Unable to get shortcodes to work


  • scott wellington started the conversation

    I am unable to get shortcodes to work on my site as a test. I can get the booking form to work, but are unable to get the categories to appear. I have the theme built-in page builder and also elementor and neither work. All that happens is the shortcode appears and i have used both text box and shortcode as well.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi scott,

    Did you purchased our plugin? If so, I would like to ask you to open ticket in Amelia category with your purchase code so our support engeeners can help you. This is a pre purchase category reserved for those who haven't purchased Amelia yet. 

    If you try with free plugin, we do not have all short-codes in free plugin, so it might be because of that. 

    What shortcodes did you use? If you used step-by-step shortcode on that one we do not have categories. 

    You need to put: [ameliacatalog] in order to display categories.