Can employees have the option to change the services they are an option for? I know admins can do it but can the employees as well?
For some reason when new employee signup using the ultimate member signup form I dont see that user listed when I try to add them from amelia backed as employee? Seemed to work for the first couple users I tested but now it does not, is there a specific type of flag needed to show new users available to be added there?
Employees can only configure their appointments, or create new ones. They would not be able to modify or add new services. To allow them to manage their appointments, please go to Roles Settings/Employee.
For Amelia to see new users as employees - so you can connect the employee to an existing User Role, they need to have the "Amelia Employee" user role. I don't know about Ultimate Member, but with User Role Editor, you can assign multiple user roles to a single user, so they can be linked to an existing role in WordPress.
With that plugin, you can also modify capabilities, so you could change the behavior of Amelia Employee - meaning you could allow them to create new services by adjusting the privileges.
I noticed that even if user is in a different user role when you add new employee it was showin g those users and auto switching them to that user role. If I make a ultimate member form and attach that employee user role it does not go though signup process correctly. So Creating the employees from the app after signup is ok but now they are not showing up as to be synced with them
Ok thank you. so your saying they need to be in the amelia role first before they can be selected from dropdown to be added as employee. Ok when I make my ultimate member signup form use amelia employee log in it does not allow the signup correctly. Basically I want employees have option to signup to platform and once approved then we create the worker account.
Also is there a way when someone selects a service from catalog ,mode after selecting a date it takes them directly to checkout and skips cart page?
That is correct - they need to have the Amelia Employee user role in order to connect the employee with an existing WP User.
Since you're mentioning approvals - it sounds like you're already doing some manual checks before allowing them to create an account. If that is true, I guess you simply need to add an extra step, and change their user role. I don't know why Ultimate Member doesn't allow this.
At the moment - the only way to skip cart, and go straight to the checkout page would be to go to ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/src/Infrastructure/WP/Integrations/WooCommerce/WooCommerceService.php; find this line of code:
and replace it with this line:
In the next update, a new option will be added to the database, and you'll be able to change it from there.
thanks for that it seemed to work. Also is there a way to add an option on services where there is set price just to have option for anyone to pick for the job and if you want to pick a name with the list it cost you a different price?
You can set a different price for the service per employee:
So, Employee 1 can provide these services for €40 and €20, but another employee can provide the same services for €50 and €30 if that was your question.
I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features.
It's a good idea, but I don't know if our developers will be able to implement it. I will definitely forward it to them, and if they find it useful, they will add it to our ideas list, for one of the future updates.
is there an option to disable option to select someone just have option for anyone in the list? Also can I change the name of the amelia nav link in the admin side? When employee log in we want to say something different then name of plugin
If you only need to change the name "Amelia" to something else in the menu, you can install Loco Translate, open the language file of the language you're using on your website, search for all "Amelia" instances, and translate it to something else.
We can help you hide other employees from the drop-down, so only "Any Employee" is visible, if that helps?
Just had this issue after I updated amelia plugin. If I have plugin activated this is error I get on any wordpress page. Can you help me figure what is causing this?
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'AmeliaBooking\Infrastructure\WP\Integrations\WooCommerce\WooCommerceService' not found in /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/ameliabooking.php:182 Stack trace: #0 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): AmeliaBooking\Plugin::init('') #1 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(312): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #2 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-settings.php(392): do_action('plugins_loaded') #4 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-config.php(93): require_once('/home/boingalar...') #5 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home/boingalar...') #6 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once('/home/boingalar...') #7 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-admin/plugins.php(10): require_once('/home/boingalar...') #8 {main} thrown in /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/ameliabooking.php on line 182
Can you write a conditional statement where when you select an extra for a service it will show or hide custom fields if they match? Like if there is an extra for clothing and can we tell system to show or hide that custom field if they choose clothing? Also how do you know the number of the category for the short codes? If you created ones and deleted them does that count as a category in the database? Reason to ask I can seem to get my second category to show for the short-code
Unfortunately, conditional statements like that cannot be used in Amelia. That is, not with built-in features. If you wish to implement this, it would have to be done as a custom solution, which is not included in the provided support for the plugin.
The category's ID is an auto-increment number, so if you delete a category, the next one would not take over its ID, but it would have its own. The easiest way to see the category, employee or service ID is via Gutenberg Amelia blocks. They have an additional menu on the far right, where you can choose specific services/categories/employees...
Another way would be to take a look at the database - wp_amelia_categories column.
ok thanks for info. is there anyway we can change where the prices show up on the booking forms to add the word tokens a token symbol? Would that be something can do in loco translate app? Do you know where in translate loco app where I can change admin menu name, so that employees logging in dont see amelia?
To move the prices, and add a token, you'd need to customize the form, and unfortunately that's not something I can help you with. I don't believe you'd be able to do it through Loco Translate, as that can only change existing text. If you can pass the symbol in it, then it would probably work.
JavaScript files are modified (minimized) in public version of plugin (in our development environment is accessible), but unfortunately I can not send you our source code because that is the policy of our company.
All those files that have extension .vue are compressed and minimized in JS files that is very hard and not recommended modifying. So in order to add some other features you can unminify the js and customize it.
As for the admin menu name, you should simply find all instances of Amelia through Loco Translate, and change it to something else, and your employees will see the translation, instead of Amelia.
thanks for the info I looked in loco translate and only saw one instance for the name but it did not change can you tell me witch one it is or do it for me?
I guess you're right, and that's been removed from the .po files.
Anyway, please go to ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/src/Infrastructure/WP/WPMenu/Submenu.php and around line 46 you'll see 'Amelia'. When you change that:
thank you for that fix. Have an issue hope you can help. As before we removed the option to show employees it just chooses random. But seems for some reason keeps defaulting to the last employee that was created every time not random. It shows in the employee dashboard everyone is showing away? Is that the issue it defaults to last entered in? I have set multiple employees to have work schedules that are 24 hours basically to test it. Can you look at this issue thank you
As for the employee assignment issue - When you see your employees shown as "Away", that simply means you're looking at the Employees Dashboard outside their working hours.
Any employee is assigned based on several aspects:
How many employees are assigned to a certain Service
Which employee has the most recent open slot to the time chosen by the customer
How many booked appointments each employee has
So, if you have a lot of Services with different employees assigned to them, Any Employee may be differently assigned to different services.
My question would be then if the employee is showing as away that means if I were to book a service she is in she would not be auto assigned? Because all of my employees are showing away it seems even though I have set them to be available all day. I want all the employees to be able to have open work slots for all day unless they change it themselves.
Also is there a way to edit ccs for the services catalog view to remove the blue background and the space it shows from the top once you select a service? Also can we remove the employees from showing in the list? Basically if we could create a catalog view with a step by step process? Tried to change ccs but seems to be auto generated/
We can do that with CSS, sure. I'll just need you to show me what you need to hide and/or change in some screenshots, and please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, and I'll gladly help you out with that.
We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here just check Private Reply so nobody can see them except us.
Your employees being away has nothing to do with their availability, but if you set them to work all day, then availability would be taken out of the equation. Please provide me remote access, so I can take a look.
thanks for that for the most part it works. I loaded the ccs into the theme but not it seems using the shortcode it seems when you select a service it cuts off the top. Have showed an image of this. thanks again
Not yet. We're working on employee's front end panel, but I can't promise the release date will be in the next couple of weeks. We're doing our best at these times.
Thanks that worked. Also anyway to change the amounts of services where its just the number no dollar symbol. Or can add tokens at the end let me know if that can be changed in loco translate or if that is internal thanks
Unfortunately that can't be changed with custom CSS, as it's being added as an HTML element in between the <div>...</div> tags.
You would only be able to remove the currency symbol through the plugin's code, but that is considered as custom solution, and I can't help you with that unfortunately.
I spoke with one of our developers, and he says that you need to find each selector where the currency symbol is on the page, and then change innerHTML using JavaScript in one of our JavaScript callback methods
Unfortunately, that's as much info as I can provide, as what you're looking for to achieve is a custom solution, like mentioned before.
well looking into it this is what I came up with so far and seems that because its not static content writing into the hook where that part loads specifically. I really close here maybe you guys can finish the rest of it?
var get_html = document.getElementsByClassName("").innerHTML; console.log(get_html); var get_html2 = get_html.substr(1); document.document.getElementsByClassName("").innerHTML = get_html2;
dont wanna be a pain but is there a way to add conditional extra fields? Its confusing for the customer if they dont't select any extras in the begging to still have drop downs for that at the end because if they fill them out they would expect to have those even though they did not pay for them. Or al least have a message that explained they are extra
I just spoke with one of our developers, and he said that writing up a usable script would take an hour, and at the moment they don't have a minute to spare.
However, in our next update (scheduled to be released in a week or two) we will add a currency without a symbol, which you would be able to use. It wouldn't have the symbol anywhere, though (not in front, nor in back-end). Would that be alright with you?
You mean conditional Custom Fields? Unfortunately, something like this is not possible. I will forward it to our development team, and hopefully they'll see it fit for one of our future updates.
yes that would work thank you. Also anyway to add the search field back to the booking for form to look up employee but only have it pull up someone if they type in there name exactly so full case matching?
It should be released in the next week. I can't say if it will be tomorrow or next Monday, but it's planned to be released within next 7 days.
If it does get delayed, it's because we found some issues and delayed the release, so we can fix it. I doubt there will be any, but it's always a possibility, so I don't want you to think that I'm promising a new version will be delivered in 7 days time.
Hello thanks for the update seems like I was able to turn on the hidden symbol option but when I go to though the booking option still shows symbol like image below. Is it because we removed some ccs like you had instructed us in the past?
So when do you think next update will be released and can we expect the front end for booking to be done then too? What about some simple logic as well stating that if you select an extra or not in the begging the fields show at the end. Makes no sense for the fields to show at the end if you did not select that option in the begging
hi aleksandar, just want to ask regarding the employee back end, can we hide the customer details such as "Customer Email" and "Customer Phone" to Amelia Employee so they are not able to see private information like this in the dashboard (and hopefully on the next front end employee panel too). I'm trying to download Role Editor plugin, but i don't know what should i change to hide those info.
just want to update that I solved this (1) and (2) issues. please kindly help with the first issues (hide customer phone and email) in the previous comment. thankyou!
and also, i'm trying to change line 46 in Submenu.php, the leftbar menu in Wordpress is changed to "CustomName", but the "Amelia" name in the appointment dashboard is not changed (in attachment).
1. is there any possibility to change "Amelia" name in all Amelia dashboards too (dashboard, employee, service, setting, etc) ? and also the logo?
2. can we change "Amelia" logo to custom logo? i'm trying to change line 50 in Submenu.php to my logo (svg file) but i think it's broken , as you can see in the attachment, the leftside bar logo disappear, and my logo appear so big covering my dashboard.
I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features.
There are no settings (even with User Role Editor) that may help you hide those settings from the employee. You would only be able to hide all appointment details.
With CSS this can be done, but it would be implemented for all users, not just your employees.
I will forward the suggestion to our development team, and hopefully they'll be able to add it in one of our future releases.
Yes, it is okay to hide ONLY customers email and phone, (not all appointment details) to all roles in Submenu Appointments as long as it does not hide those fields in Submenu Customers. So Administrator is still able to see all full customer details in Submenu Customers.
Can you help me for the CSS code step-by-step?
I also have a question,
Can we set that Amelia Employee is not allowed to change the status of the appointment from pending to approve, but they still able to reschedule the appointment? because when I deactivate "Employee Configure Their Schedule" In Employee Roles Settings, it makes Amelia Employee could not change the status (which is good), but they also can't reschedule (which is bad).
So is it possible to make Amelia Employee only able to reschedule and only allowed to change the status from Approved to Rejected , since Pending to Approved should be done by the Administrator / manager and Cancelled status is the option for the customer, not the employee (as i read the definition from
i hope you get what i mean. please kindly help. thankyou!
also anyway to change the time slot system when they book a service to be a drop down and not blocks? We have so many time slots that people have to scroll to much.
Just Purchased and had a few questions.
Can employees have the option to change the services they are an option for? I know admins can do it but can the employees as well?
For some reason when new employee signup using the ultimate member signup form I dont see that user listed when I try to add them from amelia backed as employee? Seemed to work for the first couple users I tested but now it does not, is there a specific type of flag needed to show new users available to be added there?
Hello aaron
Thank you for your purchase.
Employees can only configure their appointments, or create new ones. They would not be able to modify or add new services. To allow them to manage their appointments, please go to Roles Settings/Employee.
For Amelia to see new users as employees - so you can connect the employee to an existing User Role, they need to have the "Amelia Employee" user role. I don't know about Ultimate Member, but with User Role Editor, you can assign multiple user roles to a single user, so they can be linked to an existing role in WordPress.
With that plugin, you can also modify capabilities, so you could change the behavior of Amelia Employee - meaning you could allow them to create new services by adjusting the privileges.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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I noticed that even if user is in a different user role when you add new employee it was showin g those users and auto switching them to that user role. If I make a ultimate member form and attach that employee user role it does not go though signup process correctly. So Creating the employees from the app after signup is ok but now they are not showing up as to be synced with them
Ok thank you. so your saying they need to be in the amelia role first before they can be selected from dropdown to be added as employee. Ok when I make my ultimate member signup form use amelia employee log in it does not allow the signup correctly. Basically I want employees have option to signup to platform and once approved then we create the worker account.
Also is there a way when someone selects a service from catalog ,mode after selecting a date it takes them directly to checkout and skips cart page?
Hi again aaron
That is correct - they need to have the Amelia Employee user role in order to connect the employee with an existing WP User.
Since you're mentioning approvals - it sounds like you're already doing some manual checks before allowing them to create an account. If that is true, I guess you simply need to add an extra step, and change their user role. I don't know why Ultimate Member doesn't allow this.
At the moment - the only way to skip cart, and go straight to the checkout page would be to go to ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/src/Infrastructure/WP/Integrations/WooCommerce/WooCommerceService.php; find this line of code:
and replace it with this line:
In the next update, a new option will be added to the database, and you'll be able to change it from there.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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thanks for that it seemed to work. Also is there a way to add an option on services where there is set price just to have option for anyone to pick for the job and if you want to pick a name with the list it cost you a different price?
Hi again Aaron
You're welcome, I'm glad that it works.
You can set a different price for the service per employee:
So, Employee 1 can provide these services for €40 and €20, but another employee can provide the same services for €50 and €30 if that was your question.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Well basically I want it where if they choose anyone option its a lower cost, if they select a name from the list it will cost them more for service?
I see, Aaron
I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features.
It's a good idea, but I don't know if our developers will be able to implement it. I will definitely forward it to them, and if they find it useful, they will add it to our ideas list, for one of the future updates.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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is there an option to disable option to select someone just have option for anyone in the list? Also can I change the name of the amelia nav link in the admin side? When employee log in we want to say something different then name of plugin
Hi again Aaron.
If you only need to change the name "Amelia" to something else in the menu, you can install Loco Translate, open the language file of the language you're using on your website, search for all "Amelia" instances, and translate it to something else.
We can help you hide other employees from the drop-down, so only "Any Employee" is visible, if that helps?
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Just had this issue after I updated amelia plugin. If I have plugin activated this is error I get on any wordpress page. Can you help me figure what is causing this?
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'AmeliaBooking\Infrastructure\WP\Integrations\WooCommerce\WooCommerceService' not found in /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/ameliabooking.php:182 Stack trace: #0 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): AmeliaBooking\Plugin::init('') #1 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(312): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #2 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-settings.php(392): do_action('plugins_loaded') #4 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-config.php(93): require_once('/home/boingalar...') #5 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home/boingalar...') #6 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once('/home/boingalar...') #7 /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-admin/plugins.php(10): require_once('/home/boingalar...') #8 {main} thrown in /home/boingalarm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/ameliabooking.php on line 182
seems to be working now thank you. Anyway to shorten the service time to 5 min per service?
Figured last one out but anyway only allow customer to choose random as dropdown for employee?
Hi again Aaron
Great news, thanks for letting me know.
I can help you hide the employee drop-down, but I'll need you to share the URL where your booking form is with me, so I can find the correct selector.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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thank you that worked
You're welcome Aaron
If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to open a new ticket, and we'll gladly help.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Can you write a conditional statement where when you select an extra for a service it will show or hide custom fields if they match? Like if there is an extra for clothing and can we tell system to show or hide that custom field if they choose clothing? Also how do you know the number of the category for the short codes? If you created ones and deleted them does that count as a category in the database? Reason to ask I can seem to get my second category to show for the short-code
Hi again Aaron
Unfortunately, conditional statements like that cannot be used in Amelia. That is, not with built-in features. If you wish to implement this, it would have to be done as a custom solution, which is not included in the provided support for the plugin.
The category's ID is an auto-increment number, so if you delete a category, the next one would not take over its ID, but it would have its own. The easiest way to see the category, employee or service ID is via Gutenberg Amelia blocks. They have an additional menu on the far right, where you can choose specific services/categories/employees...
Another way would be to take a look at the database - wp_amelia_categories column.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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ok thanks for info. is there anyway we can change where the prices show up on the booking forms to add the word tokens a token symbol? Would that be something can do in loco translate app? Do you know where in translate loco app where I can change admin menu name, so that employees logging in dont see amelia?
Hey Aaron
To move the prices, and add a token, you'd need to customize the form, and unfortunately that's not something I can help you with. I don't believe you'd be able to do it through Loco Translate, as that can only change existing text. If you can pass the symbol in it, then it would probably work.
JavaScript files are modified (minimized) in public version of plugin (in our development environment is accessible), but unfortunately I can not send you our source code because that is the policy of our company.
All those files that have extension .vue are compressed and minimized in JS files that is very hard and not recommended modifying. So in order to add some other features you can unminify the js and customize it.
As for the admin menu name, you should simply find all instances of Amelia through Loco Translate, and change it to something else, and your employees will see the translation, instead of Amelia.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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thanks for the info I looked in loco translate and only saw one instance for the name but it did not change can you tell me witch one it is or do it for me?
Hi again Aaron.
I guess you're right, and that's been removed from the .po files.
Anyway, please go to ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/src/Infrastructure/WP/WPMenu/Submenu.php and around line 46 you'll see 'Amelia'. When you change that:
The menu item in the Dashboard will change too:
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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thank you for that fix. Have an issue hope you can help. As before we removed the option to show employees it just chooses random. But seems for some reason keeps defaulting to the last employee that was created every time not random. It shows in the employee dashboard everyone is showing away? Is that the issue it defaults to last entered in? I have set multiple employees to have work schedules that are 24 hours basically to test it. Can you look at this issue thank you
Hello again Aaron
You're welcome, glad I could help.
As for the employee assignment issue - When you see your employees shown as "Away", that simply means you're looking at the Employees Dashboard outside their working hours.
Any employee is assigned based on several aspects:
So, if you have a lot of Services with different employees assigned to them, Any Employee may be differently assigned to different services.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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My question would be then if the employee is showing as away that means if I were to book a service she is in she would not be auto assigned? Because all of my employees are showing away it seems even though I have set them to be available all day. I want all the employees to be able to have open work slots for all day unless they change it themselves.
Also is there a way to edit ccs for the services catalog view to remove the blue background and the space it shows from the top once you select a service? Also can we remove the employees from showing in the list? Basically if we could create a catalog view with a step by step process? Tried to change ccs but seems to be auto generated/
Hi again Aaron.
We can do that with CSS, sure. I'll just need you to show me what you need to hide and/or change in some screenshots, and please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, and I'll gladly help you out with that.
We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here just check Private Reply so nobody can see them except us.
Your employees being away has nothing to do with their availability, but if you set them to work all day, then availability would be taken out of the equation. Please provide me remote access, so I can take a look.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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thanks for that for the most part it works. I loaded the ccs into the theme but not it seems using the shortcode it seems when you select a service it cuts off the top. Have showed an image of this. thanks again
Hi again Aaron.
I'm sorry, but I can't duplicate the issue on your website:
On which URL can I see this behavior?
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
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Can you try it from this page? Its the one I added the shortcode in. Also anyway to remove the circular employees below the service images?
Also is there a way for me to build the employee back end with shortcodes on front end instead of having them access the admin backend?
Hi Aaron.
You can remove the circular employees with this CSS:
And to push the content into view:
Not yet. We're working on employee's front end panel, but I can't promise the release date will be in the next couple of weeks. We're doing our best at these times.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Thanks that worked. Also anyway to change the amounts of services where its just the number no dollar symbol. Or can add tokens at the end let me know if that can be changed in loco translate or if that is internal thanks
I'm not sure I understand what you wish to do here, Aaron
Can you please explain in a bit more detail, and with some screenshots?
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
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Here is a screenshot. So anywhere you see $5.00 for booking we could have it like just 5 or 5 tokens
Oh, I see Aaron.
Unfortunately that can't be changed with custom CSS, as it's being added as an HTML element in between the <div>...</div> tags.
You would only be able to remove the currency symbol through the plugin's code, but that is considered as custom solution, and I can't help you with that unfortunately.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Can you tell me what file where that is added and I can remove it myself?
Hi again Aaron
I spoke with one of our developers, and he says that you need to find each selector where the currency symbol is on the page, and then change innerHTML using JavaScript in one of our JavaScript callback methods
Unfortunately, that's as much info as I can provide, as what you're looking for to achieve is a custom solution, like mentioned before.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Do you know witch callback method it is that has that?
Found selector do we know what JavaScript file it is?
document.querySelector("#am-service-booking > div > > >")
I found /wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/public/js/frontend is that the one file?
Hi again Aaron
These are all JS hooks that exist for the plugin:
However, you would probably need to use the hook provided in my previous response:
You need to find the selector for each instance of the currency symbol. For example:
You need to find the selector on all pages where the symbol is shown, then change innerHTML using JavaScript.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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well looking into it this is what I came up with so far and seems that because its not static content writing into the hook where that part loads specifically. I really close here maybe you guys can finish the rest of it?
var get_html = document.getElementsByClassName("").innerHTML;
var get_html2 = get_html.substr(1);
document.document.getElementsByClassName("").innerHTML = get_html2;
How would you guys charge to do it for us?
dont wanna be a pain but is there a way to add conditional extra fields? Its confusing for the customer if they dont't select any extras in the begging to still have drop downs for that at the end because if they fill them out they would expect to have those even though they did not pay for them. Or al least have a message that explained they are extra
Hey Aaron.
I just spoke with one of our developers, and he said that writing up a usable script would take an hour, and at the moment they don't have a minute to spare.
However, in our next update (scheduled to be released in a week or two) we will add a currency without a symbol, which you would be able to use. It wouldn't have the symbol anywhere, though (not in front, nor in back-end). Would that be alright with you?
You mean conditional Custom Fields? Unfortunately, something like this is not possible. I will forward it to our development team, and hopefully they'll see it fit for one of our future updates.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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yes that would work thank you. Also anyway to add the search field back to the booking for form to look up employee but only have it pull up someone if they type in there name exactly so full case matching?
Unfortunately, no, Aaron
That would require changing the logic of the plugin, and is not something that's easy to do.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Hello how are you? any updates for when we will see next update?
Hey Aaron
Doing quite well, hope you're doing the same.
It should be released in the next week. I can't say if it will be tomorrow or next Monday, but it's planned to be released within next 7 days.
If it does get delayed, it's because we found some issues and delayed the release, so we can fix it. I doubt there will be any, but it's always a possibility, so I don't want you to think that I'm promising a new version will be delivered in 7 days time.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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hello how are you? Any word on updates?
Hey Aaron
The new version is in testing stage, once everything is fine we will release the update.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Hello how are you? Any News on the update?
Hi Aaron,
I hope that we will release the update this or next week.
The plugin is in testing stage right now.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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I installed new updated plugin. Can you tell me if there is a link or shortcode to use for front end employee use? And dollar sign issue?
Hello again Aaron
There's no employee front-end panel yet. We were not able to include it in this update.
As for the $ sign, you can go to Payment settings, and enable the slider "Hide currency symbol on the booking form":
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Hello thanks for the update seems like I was able to turn on the hidden symbol option but when I go to though the booking option still shows symbol like image below. Is it because we removed some ccs like you had instructed us in the past?
Hello Aaron.
No, unfortunately that's not the case. I believe the option was included only for [ameliabooking], not [ameliacatalog] shortcode.
The issue has been forwarded to our developers, and hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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So when do you think next update will be released and can we expect the front end for booking to be done then too? What about some simple logic as well stating that if you select an extra or not in the begging the fields show at the end. Makes no sense for the fields to show at the end if you did not select that option in the begging
Hello again Aaron
The update should be released next week, but I don't know if they'll have the time to fix it until then. I can't make any promises.
I'll forward your suggestions to our development team, and hopefully they'll be able to make some changes quickly.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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hi aleksandar, just want to ask regarding the employee back end, can we hide the customer details such as "Customer Email" and "Customer Phone" to Amelia Employee so they are not able to see private information like this in the dashboard (and hopefully on the next front end employee panel too). I'm trying to download Role Editor plugin, but i don't know what should i change to hide those info.
Please kindly help. thankyou
just want to update that I solved this (1) and (2) issues. please kindly help with the first issues (hide customer phone and email) in the previous comment. thankyou!
and also, i'm trying to change line 46 in Submenu.php, the leftbar menu in Wordpress is changed to "CustomName", but the "Amelia" name in the appointment dashboard is not changed (in attachment).
1. is there any possibility to change "Amelia" name in all Amelia dashboards too (dashboard, employee, service, setting, etc) ? and also the logo?
2. can we change "Amelia" logo to custom logo? i'm trying to change line 50 in Submenu.php to my logo (svg file) but i think it's broken , as you can see in the attachment, the leftside bar logo disappear, and my logo appear so big covering my dashboard.
please kindly help.
Hello alyssa
I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features.
There are no settings (even with User Role Editor) that may help you hide those settings from the employee. You would only be able to hide all appointment details.
With CSS this can be done, but it would be implemented for all users, not just your employees.
I will forward the suggestion to our development team, and hopefully they'll be able to add it in one of our future releases.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Hi Aleksandar,
Thankyou for responding to my question.
Yes, it is okay to hide ONLY customers email and phone, (not all appointment details) to all roles in Submenu Appointments as long as it does not hide those fields in Submenu Customers. So Administrator is still able to see all full customer details in Submenu Customers.
Can you help me for the CSS code step-by-step?
I also have a question,
Can we set that Amelia Employee is not allowed to change the status of the appointment from pending to approve, but they still able to reschedule the appointment? because when I deactivate "Employee Configure Their Schedule" In Employee Roles Settings, it makes Amelia Employee could not change the status (which is good), but they also can't reschedule (which is bad).
So is it possible to make Amelia Employee only able to reschedule and only allowed to change the status from Approved to Rejected , since Pending to Approved should be done by the Administrator / manager and Cancelled status is the option for the customer, not the employee (as i read the definition from
i hope you get what i mean. please kindly help. thankyou!
Hello alyssa
I could probably help you out with the CSS, but please open a new ticket for this.
We're talking on Aaron's ticket, and I don't believe he'd appreciate that, since the issue is not related to the ticket whatsoever anymore.
If you don't have active support, you can open a pre-purchase ticket.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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thankyou aleksandar.
Hi Aaron, my apologies for asking this in your ticket!
hello how are you? Have a great weekend? Did this new update fix the dollar sign issue or add the front end?
Hello Aaron
I'm good, thanks! Hope you're doing great too!
Yes, the new update (2.8) fixed the issue with the currency symbol.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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also anyway to change the time slot system when they book a service to be a drop down and not blocks? We have so many time slots that people have to scroll to much.
Sorry Aaron, something like this is not possible with the built in features of the plugin.
Please feel free to suggest that as a feature on this page:
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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