  Public Ticket #2317032
booking option


  • tHOMAS started the conversation

    I have a little problem. We have courses which are happen over a longer period, but not on follow up dates. Means, the on training lesson will be at the 3rd of April during 17-20h and the next lesson of this course happen 4 day later at the 7th of April from 09-12h and another 7 days later (and so on)
    How can I get blocked the trainer for this course during the hours within the other days? The start works fine, as I can define the Course at this date, but the other days?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Thomas, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    The work hours of the employees in Amelia are set weekly and for weeks in advance. Some of our users use the Special days option for this purpose - to set available time slots on just some days for the employees and assign services to these special days as you need them to. The Special days are created to override the usual employees work hours. You can read more about this feature following this link.

    Also, please check the Events feature in Amelia, it would maybe be more suitable for your use case. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,