  Public Ticket #2312667
Can't list all events


  • Mario started the conversation

    Hello Amelia team,

    I've searched for a shortcode to list all the events that we have had (previous talks) and none of the shortcodes work. Yes, my events are set to show on the site. Furthermore, I wanted to show events one by one and nothing is being showed. Why is this the case and can you help me list to list them just like you managed to do on your documentation pages? 


    I cannot make a list like that, as none of the closed/canceled events can be shown on the page!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Mario, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Events that happened in the past or started in the past are not shown on the front-end in Amelia, and this can't be achieved with any shortcode. Unfortunately, this can't be changed. Using the shortcodes you can display the future events, one event - shortcode of event per ID and events that have same Tag. But all of these refer to events in the future only, not the past ones. 

    In the documentation, on the video you saw, only events in the future are shown. You can see canceled and closed events but only if these are in the future. So, canceled ones stays there in the list as canceled (future events) and closed ones - they can be closed because there are no available spots left or because the booking for the event is closed (still only future events).

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,