  Public Ticket #2310210
Part time services


  • Ahmad started the conversation

    Hello dear, 

    You have a great solution which help us a lot. however, i couldn't confirm if this plugin can support multiple employees doing one service?  

    for example in our situation, customer visiting our website will request a service "Regular cleaning for 2 hours" this needs two cleaners go to customer home and clean. 

    1) dose it support multiple employees?

    2) can we add location detector from IP or GPS? 

    3) dose it support 24 hours? 

    thank you so much

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ahmad,

    Thanks for your interest.

    It is possible to assign multiple employees to one service, but they can not work at the sam time. The only workaround is to connect those two employees to the sam Google calendar, so when one is booked the other becomes unavailable as well.

    We do not have location detector, but you can ask for their address with custom field. 

    24h slots? The longest duration for a service is 23:59 minutes, we plan to add 24h this year.

    Hope this helps and let me know if you have further questions.