  Public Ticket #2309357
Frustrated by the extremely slow support


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    Marc started the conversation

    Ticket 2255594
    I have been complaining for a week now, that appointments booked and paid do not appear in Amelia. 
    I have to manually copy the data of every customer in every order and create the customer and the appointment manually in Amelia. 
    As I am creating the appointments manually, Aemlia does not know the time zone of the customer, and hence most email notifications to customers indicate the wrong hour of appointment. 
    Amelia's support is unable to fix the problem. 
    Complete log files and tens of errors have been sent. 
    Amelia support is not making progress. 
    Admin access behind my back was granted. Amelia's support is still unable to fix the problem. 
    This is very frustrating and as of today I am counter-recommeding Amelia.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marc, 

    I am sorry to hear that you encountered some issues using Amelia. 

    As I can see on the ticket that you provided here, my colleague asked for database access or cPanel in order to debug the issue and see what is causing the issue. He also mentioned deactivating plugins as this can also be a nature of the issue - conflict with another plugin, as you are probably aware of this because of the nature of WordPress. And we need your permission to do this. 

    Sometimes, we get tickets for issues or errors that we can see right away where the issue is coming from. Sometimes we can see where the issue is coming from when we login as admins to WP only and sometimes this is not enough and we need to access database or FTP to debug. So, in some, rare, cases we can see from the error log what is causing the issue, but more often the issue can't be seen (not by us nor the developers) with just looking into the error log. Depending on the error we need different access to be able to find the cause of the issue. 

    Please provide us with FTP and database access and we will gladly help, as always!

  •  7
    Marc replied

    Hello Marija, 

    It is very interesting to see how terribly slow AmeliaBooking team is on the private tickets, and how fast you were to answer this public one. Fair enough, lesson learned. I will go public on future failures of AmeliaBooking to draw your attention. 

    First allow me to use different wording. It is not that I have encountered "some issues" with AmeliaBooking. The right description is that AmeliaBooking is completely and utterly FAILING to do its job of scheduling appointments for paid orders. That's the right wording of it. FAILING, nothing else. And your support team is still FAILING to fix the error 8 days later. 

    Yes, AmeliaBooking support insisted on having wordpress administrator access , and this was granted. The result? AmeliaBooking support failed again, and again, and then requested FTP to the site, and CPanel and Database and the whole earth.... 

    Most interestingly, AmeliaBooking support could not at any time on any day provide attended support where eventual debugging or research of the error is done with my presence through a remote session!  AmeliaBooking team can't work when I'am watching. AmeliaBooking support can only work when they have full unlimited wordpress administrator, and FTP, and Database and Cpanel access BEHIND MY BACK. I wonder why. 

    I have shared with AmeliaBooking team logs and tens of error messages AND Wordpress ADMINISTRATOR ACCESS BEHIND MY BACK, and your team still FAILED to fix the error. 8 days later, AmeliaBooking is still failing. 

    I see clearly that AmeliaBooking team wants to use me and my site as a laboratory guinea pig to try and find out what AmeliaBooking Quality Assurance team failed to do. 

    The additional info is that I am managing many websites and AmeliaBooking is FAILING on all of them. I am afraid AmeliaBooking will insist that the error is with all of those websites, not with AmeliaBooking? 

    Let me remind you that I have PAID for support, and AmeliaBooking team is FAILING to provide support here. 

    If AmeliaBooking team wants to troubleshoot / find the issue at hand through a remote session, I am ready and flexible. 

    If the AmeliaBooking fail their PAID support contract, there is not much I can do apart from going back to Bookly and keep sharing my experience with AmeliaBooking on social media. 

    I have been struggling with manually creating all appointments and creating all customers in AmeliaBooking for 8 days. Your team has failed to fix this. Let every potential customer know. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marc, 

    I can assure you that this is not the case with our responses. I am sorry that you got that impression. The only time when I check if a ticket is a public or a private one is when we ask for login credentials just to point out to the customers that they need to check the 'Private' option bellow the text field if it is a public one. The difference in our responses can depend on: working days - we don't work on weekends; work hours - our work hours are from 10:00 to 17:00 CET Mon-Fri; and to the number of tickets we receive. 

    The issue that you have can be caused by a conflict with another plugin as well. Issues like conflicts with third party plugins or themes are always possible due to the nature of WP. I saw in the ticket that the issue is connected to WooCommerce and I know for a fact that we do have a lot of customers who use WooCommerce as well and don't have this issue. So, it is not some common issue or setting that we can tell you right away where does it come from. 

    As I said before, for some errors/issues we need access to the website, sometimes wp-admin helps, sometimes database access and sometimes we need to debug using FTP. Duplicating your website can also help in some cases. It is not the case that we are asking this from you only, we do this with all of our users if it is needed. We never interfere with any data (we don't even look at the data or what you have there on the website, we only look for the cause of the issue and try solutions) nor we send your data to third party. 

  •  7
    Marc replied

    AmeliaBooking is asking me to do what I legally must not do. 

    AmeliaBooking is refusing to provide support to their solution. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marc, 

    As Aleksandar said, another option we can offer, if you don't feel comfortable with sharing FTP and database credentials, would be for you to send us the installation files of all plugins you have active on your website, along with the theme, so we can create a similar website locally, and try to find out what is causing the issue this way.