  Public Ticket #2308665
Register Users


  • Axel started the conversation

    Hi my client ask me to make better the UX of booking journey adding the registration of users. I read the documentation but I just saw the frontend dashboard to reschedule. I cant find where would I add a registration form or something like that, Im trying to user 3rd party plugins but maybe you know another way. Also is there a way to make multiple reservations before end the steps? Or maybe a button at the end to begin again the steps? thanks!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Axel, 

    The Customer Panel is the only option for the customers to login to the front-end and the customers can't create profiles there unfortunately, there isn't an option to sign up. They can access it through a notification in their link after they book an appointment. But when they login they can edit their profile data and manage their appointments. 

    Unfortunately, there isn't a possibility to book multiple appointments at once in Amelia with its current built-in features. Only one appointment can be booked at a time. We have this feature in our to-do list for future implementations but for now, we can't say when it will be added and released. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,