  Public Ticket #2307669
I can't make an appointment for someone on the back end. How do I register Amelia?


  • Candi Christman started the conversation

    I can't make an appointment for someone on the back end. Actually, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't  -it is hit and miss.

    Also, How do I register Amelia? and where do I set up who can manage it?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Candi Christman, 

    Apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends.

    It is hardly possible that sometimes an appointment is created and sometimes not in the back-end. Could you please tell me how it doesn't work sometimes? Do you get some error? Please note that if it is a group appointment you can't create new appointment for a new customer if someone already booked that time slot, you just need to 'edit' that appointment by adding that new customer. 

    Could you please tell me what do you mean by register? There is an Activation setting in Amelia -> Settings if that is what you mean. You set this up by giving user roles to people, there are several Amelia user roles that you can create for WordPress users and you can read more about it following this link