  Public Ticket #2304206
Locations, Employees and calendars


  • Anna started the conversation

    Hi, I have just purchased Amelia. I am currently using Acuity. So my questions are:

    Employees: Can I link employees to multiple locations. I am the only employee but I work from various locations.

    Locations: Can I assign different work days to different locations so that if a client books on a Monday it will only allow them to book at location number one, on a Wednesday location number 2 and so on? Hope that makes sense.

    Calendars: Does Amelia sync with iCal? Is there a work around if not?

    If I find that Amelia isn't going to work for me, can I get a refund within the 15 days? I really hope it is, because I am rapidly falling out of love with Acuity!!


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Anna, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    You can add more locations to one employee in the employees' work hours tab. So, you give them one default location in Employee -> Details tab and then in the Work hours tab you can assign different services and locations to each work time period. You edit the work time periods by clicking on the 'pencil' icon and add new work time period by clicking on '+' next to 'Apply to all days'. You can't assign more locations to the same work time period, unfortunately, if that is what you want to achieve.


    There isn't a sync with iCal in Amelia with its current built-in features, only with Google calendar. Unfortunately, there isn't a work-around for this. There is only an 'Add to calendar' option after booking for customers. 

    We have a 15-days money back policy so you can ask for a refund in TMS Store if you don't find it suitable for your business needs. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,

  • Anna replied

    Thank you Marija,

    I have tried this just now, but my employee details page doesn't include a location box as yours does in the example you sent through. I will add a screen shot of my view. Please advise!

    Thank you

  • Anna replied

    Also I have attempted to sync the calendar with my google calendar following the instructions here https://wpamelia.com/configuring-google-calendar/ but it doesn't appear to be working...?

    Looking forward to your advice x

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Anna, 

    Could you please tell me have you added more locations to Amelia -> Locations? If not, please add more locations and add one default location in the Details page and check please if you afterwards have the locations like on my screenshot?

    Also, do you have version 2.4. of Amelia? 

    Regarding the Google calendar, could you tell me what issues do you have? Do you have some error? On which step exactly you have an issue? Thank you.