  Public Ticket #2303452
Can't translate customer panel


  • Filip Wierzbiański started the conversation

    Hello, I have a problem. I am translating amelia to polish, so I can use it on my website. I am using the exact same process as described here:
    https://wpamelia.com/faq/. I am using POEDIT. To this point everything was working fine. But I can't translate 2 lines of text, because I can't find them in POEDIT.

    Those 2 lines are shown in attached screenshot. They are "Send Access Link" and "Enter your account email address and we will send you access link to your inbox."

    They are appearing after doing reservation and going to the customer panel.

    I would love to get those 2 line translated, because they are the only thing that is keeping my from starting my website.

    Thank You in advance.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Filip Wierzbiański , 

    Thank you for your purchase!

    Unfortunately, we missed to put those strings in the translation files when we released Customer Panel. Sorry about this. We will add them to our next update, so they will be available for translation. 

    You can modify the code if you like, you can find the strings in the file 'src/Infrastructure/WP/Translations/FrontendStrings.php' and change them there from English to Polish. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask, 

  • Filip Wierzbiański replied

    Thank you very much, you helped me!

    I translated it by my own, with your help.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Filip, 

    You are welcome. Great, glad to hear that!

    Please note that you need to add these two files (.po and .mo) - the folder for Polish language - when you update Amelia again since they won't be there anymore. I think someone recently sent us their translation for Polish, so if we implement it you can check it out and if you like your translation more just replace the files with yours in the ameliabooking/languages folder. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,