  Public Ticket #2299118
User specified service duration


  • Andrew Dudgeon started the conversation

    Hi Team,

    Is it possible for a client to use the online booking system and choose the duration of the service they require?

    For example if a client wanted a babysitting service which is charged by the hour, could they choose to have the service for between 4 hours & 8 hours?

    In this case we'd have 1 service called babysitting, have a charge per hour setting and a setting for the minimum and maximum duration a client could book (say minimum booking of 4hrs and max of 8hrs etc).

    So if the service was charged at £10 per hour the system would calculate a booking charge of £40 etc.

    Many thanks for your response in advance.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Andrew Dudgeon,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    We don't have exactly the same option but I will explain what is possible with our plugin. In our plugin admin defines the service duration and price for that duration and it is not possible for customer to enter some custom duration and book. However, we have two workarounds:

    1) You can create several services with different duration and price so customer can choose for example "Babysitting 1 hour", "Babysitting 2 hours" etc, and once he chooses the service he will se available dates and time slots based on that duration.

    2) You can create a service with minimum duration for example 4 hours, and then create extra for that service that will last 1 hour, have price for that hour and have maximum capacity of 4 (if 8 hours is maximum for booking). In that case customer will be able to select the service and then add extras to book more hours. More about our services and extras you can read here.

    Best regards.