  Public Ticket #2297355
Bug in extra display


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    alex started the conversation


    I'm observing a strange behaviour of Amelia Extra option display.

    I'm using DIVI Overlay plugin and I'm displaying an Amelia service on an overlay layer (using one of your shortcodes in the divi overlay plugin edition screen)

    Eveything is fine except when I want to choose an extra in the "book Appointment" window. When I click on +Add extra, nothing is appearing on the screen and the quantity selector is not accessible. The mouse arrow is replaced by a red circle.

    When I display the same service in a page (using the same shortcode) but not in an overlay layer, the extra display is OK.

    Are you aware of any uncompatibility with DIVI Overlay plugin?

    What should I do?

    Thank you!

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    alex replied

    And I have the same problem with the "bring anyone with you" option.

    When I try to select additional people, I just can't. (in an overlay)

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello alex, 

    Since everything is OK, as you said, when you use Amelia shortcode on your pages without this overlay , the issue is probably caused by a conflict between the Divi overlay plugin and Amelia. Unfortunately, issues like conflicts with third party plugins or themes are always possible due to the nature of WP, and it might take significant time to investigate and replicate the issue on our side, to be able to find the source of the problem, especially when the plugin or theme is not familiar to us. 

    You can send me the plugin so our development team can check it out and see if there is some solution to the conflict, but we can't guarantee anything, since we don't know the nature of the conflict and what time might it take to solve it. 

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    Ian Batcheldor replied

    If anyone else has this issue, I fixed it by adding the following to my CSS file:

    .el-select-dropdown.el-popper {
        z-index: 999999999 !important;

    The drop-down was working, but the options were displaying below my overlay.

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    alex replied

    Thanks Ian, it works perfectly!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Ian,

    Thank you for sharing your solution for this issue to other users.