  Public Ticket #2297267
Updated version


  • JJ Higgins started the conversation

    I having a few issues with the plugin.

    I have activated another employee on the 4 services I offer, but that employee isn't showing up.

    I also have put in my PayPal API credentials but its not showing up on the front end.

    I also noticed that you have a 2.3 version of the plugin, but my plugin isn't showing an update and is at 2.1

    Please help

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello JJ Higgins,

    Please check if the services are assigned to this employee on both pages - employee and services -  for the employee page check if the services are available in the employees' assigned services and work hours tab (if you assigned different services to different work time periods there). 

    Could you please tell me where exactly PayPal is not showing up? In the booking process when you choose service and time slot and click on continue then the PayPal window will open and require PayPal payment. 

    Have you activated Amelia with your purchase code in Amelia -> Settings -> Activation? If yes, and you don't see the auto-update option yet, please update it manually since we had some issue with auto-update for some servers before which we fixed in one of the latest releases. Sorry about that, if this is the case. 

    These are the instructions to update the plugin manually: 

    1) Download the zip from our store 

    2) Use FTP to open /yourwordpressfolder/wp-content/plugins

    3) Delete existing ameliabooking folder

    4) Upload previously downloaded ameliabooking folder through FTP to plugins folder (unzip it)

    5) Go to WP-admin panel, open Plugins section

    6) Deactivate Amelia Plugin, and then activate it again

    7) Clear server and browser cache


    If you are using hosting where you are not allowed to your FTP  then follow those instructions:

    1) Download the zip from our store 

    2) Delete Amelia plugin from WordPress Plugins page

    3) Click on Add new on Plugins page

    4) Click on Upload plugin on Plugins page

    5) Choose previously downloaded ameliabooking zip file

    6) When uploading is done, please Activate Amelia plugin

    7) Clear server and browser cache.

    Please note that if you delete plugin from Plugins page you WILL NOT lose your data, because it is already saved in your database.

    Please note that our plugin have a size of around 6 MB so if yo are not able to upload the plugin through WordPress plugins page, then you need to increase following:

    upload_max_file size, 

    post_max_size ,


    You should be able to find these values in your php.ini file or on your hosting panel. If you can't find it yourself please ask your hosting provider to provide it.

    If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,

  • JJ Higgins replied

    Thank you for giving the steps to update it...its now running the latest...yeeeaahh.

    That fixed the PayPal option from not showing up on the checkout process.

    But the Sandbox mode is giving me an error.

    I have made sure that the employee that isn't showing up has the services activated on their page as well as in the services themselves, and its still not working.

    I also can't map an employee to a wordpress user when creating one.

    And the Coupon option isn't working on the checkout page either.

    I tried to create a new one, and its showing that the email exists already, but its not in my user panel.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello JJ Higgins,

    You are welcome. 

    Regarding PayPal, Can you please check again your Sandbox Client ID and Sandbox Secret on your PayPal account? You have there Sandbox and Live credentials.


    With PayPal and Amelia there are only two possible mistakes that customers can make. First one is to use Live credentials when Sandbox mode is enabled, and the second one is to copy the wrong PayPal credentials (“Client ID” and “Secret”)  to Amelia. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello JJ Higgins,

    I have made sure that the employee that isn't showing up has the services activated on their page as well as in the services themselves, and its still not working.

    Could you check have you assigned these services in the employees' work hours? Have you set the work time periods of the employees to be longer than the duration of the services? 

    I also can't map an employee to a wordpress user when creating one.

    In order to connect Amelia Employees to WordPress users they need to have Amelia Employee user roles in your WordPress. 

    And the Coupon option isn't working on the checkout page either.

    I tried to create a new one, and its showing that the email exists already, but its not in my user panel.

    Please disable the option 'Check customer's name for existing email when booking' in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles Settings -> Customer and you won't have this issue. 

    P.S. When you have questions or issues which are not related to the title of the active ticket can you please open a new one, and we will gladly help you there. This way, issues and questions which are related to different subjects will be in different tickets so other customers or our support agents can find them easily. Our policy is to have one issue or question per ticket.

    Thank you for understanding!

  •   JJ Higgins replied privately
  •   [deleted] replied privately
  • JJ Higgins replied

    I have even added another employee to see if it would work and it doesn't.

    The employees (both JJ's) are assigned to all the services, the services are no longer than 1.5 hrs, and their work hours are from 9am-5pm, and they still do not show up on the services option.

    I hid the entire section, because I wanted to be able to reassign another employee when I needed to but not give the client the option to choose....I unhid that to see if that was the issue and it wasn't...they still do not show up on the services.

    I have double checked the paypal issue and I have the correct ID and Secret for both the Live and Sandbox.....the Live works but the Sandbox does not work.

    The only other thing (and I can put this in another ticket if you would like) is, once someone has scheduled an appointment, there isn't a way for me to change from onsite to paypal. (the reason I am looking for this is, I have a carpet cleaning business, and people are suppose to be able to schedule a service and when we get there, the price may change if they didn't schedule the right amount, and I would love to be able to go in and change the price and enable paypal so they can pay when we are there.


  •   [deleted] replied privately
  • JJ Higgins replied

    Ok, I am glad that its working now....thank you for that.

    So if I want to you use this the way I explained, I basically have to use it as a booking site, and charge the customers via the paypal app or something similar.

    It would be a great feature for you to bring to your creative meetings.

    **have the ability to let someone schedule a service, and then change the pricing or services on the day of service and change the payment option, and let them pay when you are there**

    Thank you again.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello JJ Higgins, 

    Great, glad to hear that. 

    I will add your feature request to our list, so it can be considered for implementation in our future updates. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,