  Public Ticket #2292917
booking process


  •  2
    alex started the conversation


    I'm displaying  the different services belonging to a specific category with the appropriate shortcode on a service description page - called "service".

    When I'm clicking on a service, the booking process is automatically started but the appointment module is dispalyed on the same page. ("service"). replacing the service boxes displayed by the shortcode.

    My question is: is it possible to initiate the booking process (right after clicking on a service box) in a DIFFERENT page than the "service" one?

    Because it's a bit exploding the design of my service page, containing other elements than just the one displayed with the amelia shortcode.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello alex, 

    The behavior that you want can't be set in Amelia, but this can probably be achieved with the way you build your page where you have the buttons and the shortcodes. So, if I understood you correctly, you should add some action to that button 'service' where you will open a new page on which you will have the Amelia shortcode with the specified category/service (so the booking form will be open right away on this other page).

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,