  Public Ticket #2285509
Display Calendar - First Step


  • Benjamin Thomas started the conversation

    We would like to display the appointments calendar as the first step in the booking process. Right now the first step is to select one/any tutor. Is there a way to achieve this?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Benjamin Thomas, 

    Thank you for your purchase!

    Unfortunately, there ins't an option in Amelia to show the calendar right away if you have more employees/services/locations. You need to click on 'Continue' first. 

    When you have a shortcode with specified employee and service (which doesn't have extras, if there are extras for it then you would need to choose an extra first and then the calendar would appear) you would have only a calendar there, but it would look like this: 


    Shortcode: [ameliabooking service=2 employee=1]

    You can check out all the shortcodes that you can use on your pages here so you can see if some other shortcode suits your needs more.

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,