  Public Ticket #2283590
Amelia / Crocoblock (jetblocks) not working


  • mathias borgen started the conversation

    When haveing the plugin "Jetblock" from crocoblock installed and active makes amelia break.

    cant see any settings and if you try to open the panel that comes on the right side its all white also. This is a major issue 

    Any fix atm for this otherwise we need 1 real quick :D

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello mathias borgen, 

    Unfortunately there is some conflict between Amelia and JetPlugins because both use Vue js. Our developers implemented a fix for this in our newest release of Amelia but you still need to add this script: 

    <script>window.ameliaBooking = {useWindowVue: true}</script>

    to the Dashboard. Because this conflict is in the back-end, you should install and use some plugin for this purpose, like for example Add Admin Javascript or add the script to the functions.php file.

    Let me know if this helped!

  • mathias borgen replied

    I can not find where to put this script into functions.php. and you provide a bit more details about where to inseret this script to not break the whole site pls.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello mathias borgen, 

    The script should be added to this file at the end, and the file is located in ../wp-content/mu-plugins folder. If you don't have this file or don't want to edit it you can use a plugin for this purpose, like for example  Add Admin Javascript .

    Please note that you need to have the latest version of Amelia for this, which is version 2.4.