  Public Ticket #2277304
Site behind cloudflare always detect timezone as Singapore


  •  1
    Vaibhav started the conversation


    I'm using Cloudflare for my site (www.prodmonk.com). However, due to this the booking slots are shown in Singapore timezone to all the users. However, I need the website visitors to see slots in their respective time zone - https://prodmonk.com/booking_60_2 . 
    Any idea how we can solve this?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Vaibhav, 

    I visited the link that you sent me and I saw there my country code (Serbia) not Singapore.


    Could you please check if this is some caching issue? Thanks!

  •  1
    Vaibhav replied

    Can you please check again.. This must be when I disabled the cache which seems to solve the issue but unfortunately impacts the performance

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Vaibhav, 

    I checked again and I see my country (Serbia) now as well: 


    Please check if this is some caching issue, delete cache on your website/browser.