  Public Ticket #2265393
Multiple Location


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    Honey Goyal started the conversation

    Hi Support,

    Can you please help me, how do i select the multiple locations in Employee Add Screen (http://prntscr.com/ql0kiv) . I want to add the multiple locations for staff members.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Honey Goyal, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    On that first screen for the employee you can only choose one, default, location. But when you go to the Work Hours tab you can assign different locations to different work time periods. Please look at the attachment. Unfortunately, there isn't a possibility to assign multiple locations to one employee at the same time.

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,

  •  1
    Honey Goyal replied

    Hi Marija.

    Thanks for your response.

    I have found one issue, customers not able to book the time slots if time not assigned to Staff. Can you please suggest me how do i open the system without any time limits. In other words i want to remove the Away from Staff Profile.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Honey Goyal, 

    You are welcome. 

    The time slots depend on the work hours of the employees. So, you need to set the work hours of the employees to be from 00:00 to 24:00 for each day in the week and you will have time slots available always. 

  •  1
    Honey Goyal replied

    Hi Marija,

    Is there have any way I can disable the Away mode only for frontend. Its not matching with my requirements, Kindly suggest me regarding this.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Honey Goyal, 

    Could you please send me a screenshot of which part exactly do you mean for the front-end? Since that 'Away' string for the employees is only available on the back-end, I am not sure on which part exactly do you mean. 
