  Public Ticket #2256777
WooCommerce Products Not showing up


  • THOMAS M KAMPLAIN started the conversation

    I am utilizing WooCommerce and Amelia.  

    When I go to associate an Event or Service to a WooCommerce Product only a few products are showing up.  I have a lot of products and services.  How do I get the product I need to show up?

  • [deleted] replied


    Thank you for your purchase.

    Unfortunately, this is a bug with the new feature and it will be fixed in the next update. Sorry for any inconveniences this have caused. 

    For now, you need to find file ameliabooking/src/Infrastructure/WP/Integrations/WooCommerce/WooCommerceService.php

    and around line 218

    replace this : 

    foreach (get_posts(['post_type' => 'product']) as $product) {

    with this:

    foreach (get_posts(['post_type' => 'product', 'posts_per_page' => -1]) as $product) {

    Of course delete cache, deactivate/activate the plugin afterwards. 

    Please let me know if this helped.

  •  8
    Debbie replied

    Hi Marija,

    Is there any news about this update? I really need this and don't feel comfortable changing code.

    When is the next update coming and will this be fixed then?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Debbie, 

    This was fixed in our latest update of Amelia, version 2.4. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,