  Public Ticket #2244780
reservations questions


  • Felipe Antonio Jiménez Prieto started the conversation


    A client has a paddle court where they are currently asking for reservations by whatsapp.
    When creating the website by installing Amelia, when another client makes a reservation for whatsapp ... would it be necessary to enter the website and update the reservation? Or would there be another faster way to speed up the process? Any synchronization with another tool that allows that?
    thank you very much

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Felipe,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    To have all noted the customer needs to book appointment or event through Amelia booking form. You can send a link to the page where Amelia booking form is placed and the customer can book there.

    Hope this helps and let me know if you have further questions.

  • Felipe Antonio Jiménez Prieto replied

    Yes, yes, I understand that.

    My question is, when booking through whatsapp, should the owner of the website enter the wp-admin of his website to update the reservation or is there another faster way to do that?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Felipe,

    Unfortunately, there's no faster way, in case someone does not book via Amelia booking form, then Admin will need to add the appointment himself.