  Public Ticket #2242593
3 bookings max per day


  • himatbhakar started the conversation


    We are event caterers, and have three teams available to provide our services. Each booking will take the whole day so we do not want time slots. We want our customers to book our services on line and we will allocate that to a team internally nothing to do with the client. 

    We then want to keep that date available for other clients as we will have two other teams available. but once we hit three bookings for a particular day the date should no longer be available.

    How do we do this ?   

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello himatbhakar, 

    You can create events if that is more suitable for your case. And you can read more about the events feature here. The events can be set on dates and can last longer. So, you can have three events for the same day for each team with maximum allowed spots 1. Or, you can create one event with 3 spots. Whichever suits your business' needs more.

    If you need services options though, they need to have time slots but you can set the employees' work hours for 8 hours for example and the duration of the service to be the same and enable the option 'Use service duration for booking a time slot ' in Amelia -> General settings. This way you will only have one available time slot for the day. But the availability of services is set by the work hours of the employees to whom they are assigned to. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,

  • himatbhakar replied

    Hello Thank you for getting back to me. So how do I hide the duration on the appointment description page so not to confuse clients. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello himatbhakar,

    Could you please tell me what exactly do you want to hide? 

    If you mean the time slot in the calendar this can't be hidden unfortunately, because will still need to click on it in order to book that appointment.