  Public Ticket #2240712
Multi byte characters (Japanese) cannot be displayed correctly in custom fields


  • masa77 started the conversation

    Hello Ameria support team

    I am in the final test of using Ameria in Japanese, but there are almost no problems.

    However, multi-byte characters (Japanese) in custom fields
    If used, it will not be displayed properly on the Appointment details screen or edit screen. (UTF character code is output as is)
    Similarly, if you use Placeholder in Email notification, it will not be displayed normally.

    As for custom field labels, Japanese is normal, so I feel that it is not a big problem, but I don't know the solution. Please fix this issue.
    So attach an incomplete but screen capture.

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello masa77, 

    We will test this out and I will forward this to the development team so they can check it out and see if and how this can be fixed. 

    I will get back to you as soon as we have some answer or a fix for this. 

    Sorry for any inconvenience this have caused. 

  • masa77 replied

    Hello Marija,

    How is the progress of this issue?

    I would be grateful if you could let me know just the schedule.

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello masa77, 

    The development team told me they will check this out in the next couple of days.

    Apologies for the waiting, but we are preparing an update with some new features and had some minor issues to fix as well.