  Public Ticket #2238752


  • Craig Vollweiter started the conversation

    hello, I am hoping you can help me understand what functionality will be like creating tables. I have test run the lite version , and works well with a fraction of my data. once i upload the entire file of data, website runs too slow.

    I have a file of 36,000 line items, and i want to users search my data to find matching part numbers. We sell aircraft parts designated by unique part numbers.

    If the user can search through the search bar, we want that line to return and show our stock. using the table linked to an existing data source worked well with our sample file of 400 line items, but again did not work well with the full file.

    If we buy the full version, is it easy to upload my .xlsx file (excel) to have the program convert to MySQL database, and then have the same function of searching for a part number, and returning necessary details? does the sql database get loaded each time with page upload? we are looking for something that doesnt bog down our website and provides us with file searching functions. It is likely possible to have the parameters point direct to the original server with all the part numbers stored, but i would like to have the two separate . Would the remote sql access slow down page loading/search time??

    Thank you!!!


  •  2,572
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Craig.

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    If you're linking to, or uploading an existing file, this amount of data will be causing problems like you mentioned - slowing down, and eventually breaking the site.

    If you get the file to be imported, it will create a manual table, which is saved in the database, and once import is complete, you shouldn't be facing these issues as long as you don't display all rows at once, and as long as you have a good hosting plan.

    Best way to go about it would be to save the Excel file as CSV, and import that file directly in the database. Then, you could create a new SQL query based table which will be auto updated. Meaning any change in the database will be reflected in the table.

    Search does look through the entire table, so it's paramount to have a good hosting plan.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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    You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:

    Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables

  • Craig Vollweiter replied

    Thanks for your response!

    Would it work well if we "generate a query to the wordpress database" table construct option? Would it be better to upload the excel/csv file and let wpDataTable import to MySQL for us? 

  •  2,572
    Aleksandar replied

    Hi Craig.

    Using the query constructor - "generate a query to the wordpress database" is an option, but that constructor should be considered a helper in query generation. It's not an ultimate constructor, and it simply constructs a suggestion of a query. Consequently, the more complicated the query, the higher is the probability that it will not return exactly what you need. So, you will often need to play around with the resulting query.

    Personally, I would import the CSV file directly in the database. The table can break if you add a file this big through the UI.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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    You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:

    Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables