  Public Ticket #2231052
Excel Export for Events & Maximum of participants


  • Sebastian Sauer started the conversation

    Dear team,

    1. I would like to export all my registrations for the events in an excel data sheet. How is this possible?

    2. I would like to limit the bookings for one person at the event registration. At the moment you can choose if you register 1,2,3 or 4 people. I would like to limit it to 1 for each booking. How is this possible?

    Best Regards


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Sebastian, 

    1. Unfortunately, there ins't an option to export attendees for an event in Amelia with its current built-in features. But we have this in our to-do list and we will implement it in one of our future releases. I can't say exactly when it will be implemented, though.

    2. There isn't an option to limit the number of persons in one event registration. But, you can hide this element with custom CSS so it won't be visible anymore at the front-end and the bookings/registrations will always be for one person as by default. You can send me your page with Amelia events shortcode and I can help you out with this. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask, 

  • Sebastian Sauer replied


    Marija thank you for your answer! I hope, that you will integrate that feature as soon as possible!

     I can hide it via Custom CSS myself, no problem!



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Sebastian, 

    You are welcome!

    Hopefully the feature that you need will be out there soon! 

    One note: the export will probably be in CSV format, since this format is used for exporting appointments as well. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,