  Public Ticket #2228598
Date filter


  •  1
    Antoine started the conversation


    I'm interested in buying your wp plugin which seems to fill all my needs, but i'm worried about the capability of changing the "only one date filter" by a "date range filter".

    Is that possible ? I can't find any information about that.

    Sorry for my bad english (not my native language :) ) and thank you for your answer !

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Antoine,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    We have appointment booking, but we still don't have multiple days booking. If I understand correctly you want something like room booking for a specific date range and that is not possible at the moment. We plan to add thi feature and I can let you know when it happens, if you will?

  •  1
    Antoine replied


    Thank you for your answer !

    Yes please :)