  Public Ticket #2218677
Link to specific event


  •  6
    Marc Maessen started the conversation

    I want to create a Facebook event and for the URL link to a specific event on my webpage which has the Shortcode [ameliaevents] to display all events.

    Ideally I want the event I linked to to be opened automatically (like I clicked on it) so the client can proceed to the order screen.

    Also, any idea when the event ID's will be available in the event backend view (without having to resort to an SQL query)?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marc, 

    Sorry, not sure if I understood well the question for the first part of the ticket, about the events. Could you please tell me what exactly is the concern/issue? You can add a shortcode for single event/ID on the page where the link goes to, but that's it - unfortunately it can't be open they would still need to click on it and go to the booking process after opening it. 

    Regarding the second question - could you please tell me do you mean on the recurring events that you can't see which date is the ID for, right? Or something else? Thanks!

  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    Hi Marija,

    For the first segment: I know I can create a shortcode for a specific event and add that to a landing page, but I don't want to create a landing page for each event. So fo some events which are also shown on Facebook Events, I want to add a link as well so they can book their ticket for hat event specifically.

    For events which have a separate landing page with the shortcode for that event, this is not an issue. But for events which are only shown on the Events page which shows all Amelia events, it is.

    I was hoping to somehow link to my regular events page and have a specific event be opened by clicking on a link on another page or like in a Facebook link, instead of pointing them to the events page and then having to find the correct event they need.

    For the 2nd question: in order to include the shortcode for a specific event on a landing page, I need to know the ID of that event. Now the only way to find out what the ID of an event is, is to use an SQL query. I understand there will be a feature which shows the ID's of events in the backend view of Amelia as well, so I don;t need to use SQL queries anymore to find the correct ID. I was wondering when this feature will be released.

    Many thanks in advance !!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marc, 

    I see, thanks for the clarificationsmile.png

    Unfortunately, this can't be done with Amelia's current built-in features. But, I forwarded this to the development team so they can check it out and see if it is something which can be done, so I will let you know as soon as I get an answer. 

    2nd question: You can see the event name (id) in the dropdown (when you go to 'preselect booking parameters'), but when it is a recurring one you can't see which event ID is for which date - there is only a list with name and IDs. I talked with the developers, maybe we can add here the date of the events so they can differ. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,

  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    Hi Marija,
    In regards to the 2nd question: Where can I find this ID in the backend: https://share.getcloudapp.com/E0uP1Zwj

    I'm not talking about in a table, but in the backend view which is understandable for regular users?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marc,

    Sorry, I meant that you can see the name (ID) when you create a shortcode on the page, I didn't think of the event list. 

    Please check the attachments on what I meant (for Classic and Gutenberg editor).

  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    I think we're talking about different things here ;-)

    To add a specific event to a page there is a shortcode [ameliaevents id=2] or something like that. I need to know where I can find this ID easily in the backend view

  • [deleted] replied

    Yes, I see that as wellsmile.png

    You can see the IDs for now while creating the shortcode. 

    We will probably add this (IDs shown in the events list on the back-end) in our next update. Hope this helpssmile.png

  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    What do you mean by "I can see the ID's while creating the shortcode?
    I use Elementor for my page builder and it looks like this: https://share.getcloudapp.com/Apuy0v5D

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marc, 

    I meant for Gutenberg and Classic editor, unfortunately not the Elementorsmile.png

  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    Ah ok, that explains it...

    In that case I will patiently await the next update :-) 
    Thanks for the update !

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Marc. 


    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,