  Public Ticket #2216201


  • stuart kennedy started the conversation

    I have tried using css to incrase font wieght/size of label as in image 

    It is not working - can you advise - pleae see image

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Stuart Kennedy,

    Apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    You should add this custom HTML to the page where you have Amelia shortcode: 

    #amelia-step-booking1 > div.am-select-service > form > div.el-form-item.am-select-employee-option > label, #amelia-step-booking1 > div.am-select-service > form > div.el-form-item.am-select-service-option.is-required > label
    {font-weight: bold !important;}

    You can also change /add some custom CSS inside the {} brackets, I put font-weight to bold, but you can change it to whatever you need. 

    Hope this helps, 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,