  Public Ticket #2206277
Customer list of RSVPs?


  •  1
    Karen Allen started the conversation

    Hi Amelia,

    Our membership community loves your event calendar - thanks for a good product.

    Question for today: Is there a shortcode to list all upcoming events for which a customer has RSVP'd?

    Our members sign up for classes and discussion sessions that are days, weeks or months in advance. On the customer dashboard, we would like to provide a list of the customer's RSVP'd events. 

    Is there a way to do this?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Karen, 

    You are welcome! We are glad you find Amelia good and lovablesmile.png 

    Unfortunately, there isn't a shortcode for this in Amelia, it is not possible to show events for which customer has RSVP'd in one list.

    We have added couple of new shortcodes for events in the update for Version 2.2. of Amelia. These shortcodes are for single events and it is possible to show events filtered by ID or by tag on the page. You can check these out, if somehow they can help you. But unfortunately, there isn't a way to filter events by the RSVP from customers. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,