  Public Ticket #2195680
Payment Option of my events


  •  1
    Lisa Bergmann started the conversation


    so I am offering an open yoga class and I created an event. However, I can only choose one cost position for this event. I offer different tickets for this one class (trial lesson, single hour and 5- and 10- class pass). It would be necessary for me to include these payment option into my event. Is there anyway we can solve this issue?

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Lisa, 

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to set different prices for one event in Amelia at the moment. I will add your vote for this features request in our to-do list. The most requested features are implemented first and we really try to implement new features as many as we can.

    The thing that I can think of at the moment which you can do (if it convenient to you) is to set the highest price for this event and then create coupons for the other two prices and send the coupons to the customers you want to have the lower prices. The coupons for events option is added in our newest update.

    Or, you can make more 'partial' events for this one event(I mean events with different names and prices but they would all refer to this one event) for the same dates/times with different name and price. But you would need to be careful about setting the capacity (you would need to separate the capacity of the whole event to these 'partial' events).

    Hope some of this helps, 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,