  Public Ticket #2194913
Add-on services


  • Matt Young started the conversation


    I am building a barbershop website, and Amelia looks like the perfect booking plugin. The only thing I want that I don't see is the ability for the customer to purchase add-on services on top of a primary service.

    Example: Checkout with a haircut including a $5 additional hot towel treatment

    If Amelia had this option, it would be absolutely perfect for my situation. If not, it might be a deal breaker.

    Please let me know if you have a solution.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Matt Young, 

    Thanks for reaching out! We are glad you are interested in Amelia. 

    You can make Extras in services which is exactly what you need. You can make several different extras for one service, with their own duration and price, so when customers book this service they can choose one of the extras as well. 

    You will find more information on extras here.

    Hope this help and you will become on of our users soonsmile.png 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,