  Public Ticket #2192980
Difference between basic plan and pro plan


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    Hitomi started the conversation

    Hi, I really like your calendar display!
    I want to know about the difference between basic plan and pro plan.
    Is that only number of domaine?

    Thanks in advance.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Hitomi,

    Thank you for your interest.

    Yes, it is just the number of domains, all the features and options are included in all 3 plans.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions!

  •  1
    Hitomi replied


    Hi Nevena, thank you for your reply !

    I have a last question.  I can't control the calendar to change "month" and "day". Is it include in all 3 plans?
    In fact, I want to show the calendar like attachment for our customer to book our service.

    Best regards.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, yes! You are using light version, in all paid versions it is included.

  •  1
    Hitomi replied

    Sorry, I forgot the attachment. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Yes, that is included in all plans. The only difference between plans are in the number of domains you can install Amelia on.smile.png

  •  1
    Hitomi replied

    Hi Nevena.
    Thank you so much! 
    So I just want to make it sure, can customers  book from this calendar like the attachment.
    This calendar is not only for me, for customers as well, right?

    Sorry to bother you.
    King regards.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Hitomi,

    Not a problem at all.

    No, that is a calendar on the backend, just you as an admin can view it, and your employees can view for each of them. We do not have calendar like that for the front-end.

  •  1
    Hitomi replied

    Ah....okey, I thought it's for customers.
    So so so sorry.
    I'm really appreciate for your correspondence.
    Thank you very much.
    King, king regards.