  Public Ticket #2192389
Can't connect google calendar


  • Maciej started the conversation


    I cannot get through the last part and get my google calendar synced to Amelia.
    I have created everything following the instructions on your page: https://wpamelia.com/configuring-google-calendar/

    Clicking the "Sign-in with Google" button reveals this error page:

    400. That’s an error.

    Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

    The redirect URI in the request, https://silverstarspecialist.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpamelia-employees, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/637788853204-9nggjou4gbc3l6hr82hvgf75f5cmcrgl.apps.googleusercontent.com?project=637788853204

    Request Details


    I have found the ticket on your website and went through all but database record seems to be ok.

    Can you please advice on here?

    Thanks in advance


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Maciej, 

    Thank you for your purchase!

    Sorry to hear you have troubles connecting Amelia to Google calendar. 

    Could you please tell me is the link in your database the same as the ones that you sent me in the screenshots (in Amelia and Google developer console) ? 


  • Maciej replied

    Hi Marija,

    Yes it is the same.



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Maciej, 

    Sorry I thought the screenshots were for the Google console, could you please check there in the Project that you made for Amelia if the URI is the same as in these two fields that you sent in the screenshots? 


  • Maciej replied

    Hi Marija again,

    Yep, they are both same. 



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Maciej, 

    Sorry but there are three fields. Could you please send us screenshot that they are all three the same? 


    We had this issue couple of times so far, and it was always the case that in one of these three fields the URI didn't match the other two and changing it solved the issue. This is why I am asking, it is pretty strange if all of these are the same and you get this uri mismatch error. 


  • Maciej replied

    Hi Marija,

    That's exactly what I have done. I'm gonna to delete a project and create new one again on google console and see if it gonna work. I will let you know. 



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Maciej, 

    Sorry to hear you are having troubles. 

    Hope everything will work well after creating a new projectsmile.png 

    Please let me know if you still have the same issue and we will gladly help in solving it,

  • Maciej replied

    Hi Marija,

    I have created new credentials because deleting project might take up to 30 days and it works but now there is another issue. If you have a look at https://silverstarspecialist.com/ and pick date and time on the form 4 fields ( name email mobile ) are grayed, not accessible and they contains placeholders. How to remove them?  

    Can you advise on this?
    Thanks in advance

  • Maciej replied

    Hello Marija,

    Is there any option to customize title of the event in google calendar. For example by adding mobile phone or email from the booking form?

    Thanks in advance


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Maciej, 

    Glad to hear the issue with Google calendar sync is gone. 

    When I try booking on your page and it works well, please see attachment. 

    But, this is probably because you tested the booking process while you were logged in in your WordPress, so please try booking from incognito page mode. When the users are logged in to WP these fields will be filled in with their details. 

    For the second question,

    The 'Event Title' in Google Calendar Settings works with placeholders from the notifications page so to set the title you will need to copy placeholders from the notifications page and paste them here. You will find these placeholders once you click on the </> Show Email Placeholders on the Notifications page.' You can use all the placeholders that you will find there. 

    Hope this helps, 

    If you still have some issues please let me know,

    P.S. When you have questions or issues which are not related to the title of the active ticket could you please open a new ticket, and we will help out. This way, the issues and questions which are related to different subjects will be in different tickets so other customers or our support agents can find it easily. Our policy is to have one issue or question per ticket because of these reasons.

    Thank you for understanding.