  Public Ticket #2191650
no booking view


  • Ryan Nielsen started the conversation

    I have created a employee, category and service but still not letting me establish a amelia booking page.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Ryan Nielsen, 

    Thank you for your purchase!

    Unfortunately, we encountered some issue/bug after the last update with Gutenberg blocks and this is the cause of the error "Please create category, service and employee" (it comes up when no events (no tags for events) are created in Amelia). This is the error that you get, right?

    Sorry for any inconvenience this have caused. We will fix this in our next update. 

    Until then, please find the following file in your WordPress folder:


    and in line 130 replace this:

    if (isset($criteria['eventIds'])) {

    with this:

    if (!empty($criteria['eventIds'])) {

    Also, the issue won't be there if you use Classic editor. 

    Again, sorry for any inconveniences. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,