  Public Ticket #2191389
Remove an person from a group appointment


  • Candi Christman started the conversation

    I created a group appointment consisting of 9 open spots. A lady registered on line and later texted me and asked me to cancel her appointment for her. 

    But every time I tried to cancel her appointment, Amelia canceled the other 8 people on the group appointment as well.

    How do I delete just 1 person from a group appointment on the back end?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Candi Christman,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    When it is about group appointment you need to open that appointment on the appointments page and to change the status for just one particular customer. Please see the attachment below, each customer has its own status that is shown in Edit appointment modal. Once you click on the status, the dropdown will appear and you need to change it to Rejected (the black circle).

    Best regards.