  Public Ticket #2191105
Special days only allow 1 booking


  •  1
    Kevin Roussel started the conversation


    I tried setting up the module like this : my employee does not work, except for some special days (16 of November and 14 of December for now). On those days, I would like customers to book for a service that allows 24 persons and the duration is 8h (whole day).

    The problem is, when 1 person books for the service, bookings are no longer available. 

    For testing purposes, on the link attached, the Employee is Called "Agence de Grenoble" and location is the same.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Kevin,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Can you please check whether "Allow booking below minimum capacity" option in Appointments Settings is disabled. Because if it is, once the minimum is reached the appointment will close and other customers will not be able to book. 

    Best regards.

  •  1
    Kevin Roussel replied


    Thank you for your answer. 

    It was disabled, and activating this option seems to have done the job ! 

    I think i didn't understand correctly this option. Thank you for the quick support !