  Public Ticket #2188809
Booking Problems


  •  3
    Mark Hullin started the conversation


    We've been experiencing problems with the Amelia booking system. many of our customers have complained and made us aware that they have been unable to book an event. They are all faced with the message that states that they can't use the same email twice. I've made sure that they are all entering the exact same details as they have previously. This has happened to a large amount of our customers and this is now affecting our sales.  

    Please could you help resolve the issue. 

    Also, when can I expect to be able to use the coupon option for booking events? I was informed that the option would be available in approx 30-40 days. This was 3 months ago.  

    Thanks in advance.  

    Leigh John

    [email protected]

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Mark, 

    Apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    Could you please tell me have you enabled the option "Check customer's name for existing email when booking " in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles Settings ? If yes, please disable this so Amelia won't check if the customers use the same name. Sometimes there is some typing difference  - small/big letter, spaces, etc. so this will cause this issue. 

    The coupon events will be added in the next update, which will probably be in the next couple of days. 

    Hope this helps!

    If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,