  Public Ticket #2188439
Employee multiple Locations


  • Fabian Watrinet started the conversation

    Our client is now opening a second location. I was wondering if it is possible to have an employee work at multiple locations in wp-amelia?
    E.g on Monday in Location 1 with Service 1 and on Tuesday in Location 2 with Service 1 and 2. Would that be possible?
    Thank you for your efforts and looking forward to your response.

    Best regards,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Fabian, 

    Yes, this is possible in Amelia. We added this feature in Version 2.1.  When you go to Employee -> Work Hours, you can set more time slots / work hours periods / for one employee and assign different services and location for each of these work hours periods. (You click on the 'pencil' icon to change the time period and you click on the '+' icon to add new time periods)

    Please see attachments. 

    You can't set several locations for the same time period, though. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,