  Public Ticket #2186550
Will Not Activate


  • richard started the conversation

    I have downloaded, installed and activated the plugin but it will not let me add anything - the settings does not give me me an option reply or  call me 920-246-9436 or I will return this NOW

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello richard, 

    Thank your for your purchase!

    Sorry for not replying right away, we are located in Serbia and our working hours are from 10:00 to 17:00 CET, business days.

    This issue is maybe caused because the installation isn't completed successfully. Could you please follow these instructions for installing Amelia: 

    1) Download the zip from our store or from the email that you received when you made the purchase

    2) Use FTP to open /yourwordpressfolder/wp-content/plugins

    3) Delete existing ameliabooking folder

    4) Upload previously downloaded ameliabooking folder through FTP to plugins folder (unzip it)

    5) Go to WP-admin panel, open Plugins section

    6) Deactivate Amelia Plugin, and then activate it again

    7) Clear server and browser cache


    If you are using hosting where you are not allowed to your FTP  then follow those instructions:

    1) Download the zip from our store or from the email that you received when you made the purchase

    2) Delete Amelia plugin from WordPress Plugins page

    3) Click on Add new on Plugins page

    4) Click on Upload plugin on Plugins page

    5) Choose previously downloaded ameliabooking zip file

    6) When uploading is done, please Activate Amelia plugin

    7) Clear server and browser cache.

    Please note that if you delete plugin from Plugins page you WILL NOT lose your data, because it is already saved in your database.

    Please note that our plugin have a size of around 6 MB so if yo are not able to upload the plugin through WordPress plugins page, then you need to increase following:

    upload_max_file size, 

    post_max_size ,


    You should be able to find these values in your php.ini file or on your hosting panel. If you can't find it yourself please ask your hosting provider to provide it.

    If you have any questions or concerns about this don't hesitate to ask.

    Please let me know if you are still having issues after doing this, 

  • richard replied

    That is exactly what what I did. I did it three times.

    Tried first to "VIEW GENERAL SETTINGS" and add default time slot, status and the url - got the general error "Error - Request failed with status code 503".

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello richard,

    Sorry for misunderstanding. 

    Ok, thanks for the details. The error 503 is Service Unavailable error which is an HTTP status code that means that the server is simply not available right now. These 500 errors are often connected to some security that you have on your server. 

    Could you please tell me do you have some security plugin, or mod_security or something similar activated on your server? If yes, could you please deactivate/disable these and try working with Amelia then? Amelia needs to load .ajax script to work and this security is blocking loading this.