  Public Ticket #2184377
Punch cards


  • Marko started the conversation


    We provide group classes and people pay with pre-paid punch cards. When I make  make events and would like to hide the price. How to do that?

    Also, for one time events where which we do forcharge seperately, I would like to have the option 'request invoice' instead of pay on-site. Is there a way to do that?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marko, 

    Thank you for your purchase!

    You can add this custom code to hide the FREE on the event : 

    <style> div.am-event-data > div.am-event-price.am-event-free {display: none !important;} </style>

    And if you have a price for the event but you want to hide it on the front-end you should add this custom code:

    <style> div.am-event-data > div.am-event-price {display: none !important;} </style>

    Just add one of the following codes (or both if you have both types of the events - price 0 and more) to the page where you have the Amelia shortcode. 

    Regarding the second question - unfortunately, there isn't an option to request invoice. There are two payment options in Amelia - on-site and online. So, if you want the customers to pay right away for the event, they need to do this in the booking process and you should enable one of the online payment options Stripe, PayPal or Integration with WooCommerce. 

    You can read more about payments following this link

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,