  Public Ticket #2183317
Edit Event Attendee Details or disable visability Capacity number


  •  6
    Marc Maessen started the conversation

    Couple of questions regarding events with Amelia:

    1. Is it possible for events to add attendees which have already booked for an event manually? ==> Nevermind, I can just book it myself under the name and email of those clients.
    2. Can I disable the number of available spots counter shown on the website?
    3. Can I easily translate the labels used in Amelia? I have a dutch website so I would like each field which is shown to be in Dutch (like the words capacity, book this event, the form field labels, etc)
    4. Will there be some sort of calendar view (not the current list view) for events which I can use on my website?
  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    Also, how can I still see the event details when booking has been closed? This would be usefull for attendees to see the information in the description after the option to book the event (when it is full or when the booking end date has been met).

  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    Nevermind, found this option under the Finance details already

    And is there a way to select all attendees for an event and export the list or send them an email directly?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marc Maessen, 

    • Is it possible for events to add attendees which have already booked for an event manually? ==> Nevermind, I can just book it myself under the name and email of those clients.

    Just wanted to let you know that we are working on an option to add attendees for an event in the back-end and this feature will be implemented and released in one of our future updates. 

    • Can I disable the number of available spots counter shown on the website?

    If you want to hide the capacity for all events in the front end you should add the following custom code to your page where you have the Amelia events shortcode: 

    <style> div.am-event-data > div.am-event-info > div:nth-child(2) {display: none !important;}</style>
    • Can I easily translate the labels used in Amelia? I have a dutch website so I would like each field which is shown to be in Dutch (like the words capacity, book this event, the form field labels, etc)

    Yes, the plugin can easily be translated to other languages using some programs like Poedit or Loco translate. One of our users translated the plugin to Dutch so this translation will be included in our next update. 

    • Will there be some sort of calendar view (not the current list view) for events which I can use on my website?

    I will add your request/vote to our to-do list. We try to implement new features as many as we can and the most requested features are in the top of the list. 'Events' feature is newer and we have recently added new shortcodes for single events. 

    And is there a way to select all attendees for an event and export the list or send them an email directly?

    Unfortunately, this can't be done with Amelia's current built-in features. But I will add this feature in our to-do list as well. 

    P.S. I would like to ask if you could open new ticket for each question/issue that you have when you have more questions or issues which are not related to the title of the active ticket. By doing this, issues and questions which are related to different subjects will be in different tickets so other customers or our support agents can find it easily. Our policy is to have one issue or question per ticket because of the reasons before mentioned. 

    Thank you for understanding!

  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    Hello Marija,

    First of all MANY thanks for your detailed reply !!
    As per your request I have opened an additional ticket for my other question (#2184141).

    However regarding your reply: Many thanks for the custom code to hide the capacity, it works flawlessly but it also hides the location. Is it possible to still show that?

    Lastly: Do you have any idea when the next update will be approximately (with the add attendees in the backend and dutch translation option) ? Is it still days, weeks or months away? If it's too long then I might have to look into the translation myself so I hope you don't mind me asking

  •   [deleted] replied privately
  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    Many, MANY thanks again Marija,

    Both the code provided for the locations for events as well as the translation works perfectly !!

    Quick last question: should the translation not be added in the next build, will it be overwritten when the plugin updates itself?

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Marc!

    Yes, it will be overwritten if it is not added in the next update. So, if this is the case, you would just need to do this again (add the translation to the languages folder) after you update Amelia. 

    You can check information about the updates here or you can subscribe to our newsletter and be informed about Amelia's updates, added features and translations. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help, 

  • traderbenji replied

    Hi Marija, 

    You provided some code to show the locations in this thread but it is listed as private, could you provide the code publicly please.

    Many thanks


  •  6
    Marc Maessen replied

    Here it is Ben:

    <style> div.am-event-data > div.am-event-info > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) {display: none !important;} </style>
  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Ben, 

    I see Marc have already sent you the code so there it issmile.png

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help, 

    Thanks for helping out, Marc!