  Public Ticket #2182862
Front End Booking View


  • Andy started the conversation

    Last question sorry,

    I also want to be able to display Employees before the Services tab as some of the services are assigned to certain employees and if they pick the wrong service with the same name such as “Haircut” with 2 different prices because one employee chargers more for a standard haircut. 

    Question is, how can I switch Services then Employee picking option, and switch them round so it’s the other way around?

    Thanks again, 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Andy,

    Unfortunately, there isn't an option to choose Employees first and then Services in Amelia with its current built-in features. 

    You can achieve this if you separate the employees (provide shortcodes for each employee separately on the page) For example, write the first employee's name as a title on the page and put a shortcode for this employee there [ameliabooking employee=1] and below write the second employee's name as a title and put a shortcode for the second employee [ameliabooking employee=2].

    Hope this helps!

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,