  Public Ticket #2178893
Meeting over one day


  • chosecz started the conversation


    I am using Amelia for meeting reservations for drift school. One type of course is two days long, but still I need classical meeting reservation. But it is not possible to have such a long meeting (over two days).

    Do you have any tip, how to solve this? Or is there any way of custom development?

    I do not want to use Events, because there is no way how to add custom fields :( Events would be useful, but I need also custom fields, like you can have in meeting reservations.



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello chosecz,

    Thank you for your purchase!

    Unfortunately, you can't make a service that long (two days) in Amelia at the moment. 

    I thought of making a service 23 hours and extras another 23 h but this can't work since this is connected to work hours of the employee and even though you set them to be 24h they can't connect two days together for one service+extras. 

    Maybe, you can create one dummy employee and set their work hours to be on the days and in the time when these meetings/services start (you can set their work hours to be then only 1 hour). And you can make a service 30 min long (for example) and in the description write that this is a two days meeting. But make sure to set the work hours of this employee to be on two-three days, as you need, so it won't have available slots while this service lasts. 

    Regarding the events, we are working on adding custom fields for them at the moment. It should be implemented in our next release. But I can't say exactly when that will be. 

    Hope some of this helps!

    If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,