  Public Ticket #2178386
IDEAL payments


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    BlazingDragon started the conversation

    After months in my free time designing, I have finally finest the website that has embedded Amelia ticket system. The only thing that is left to do is setting up the payment processor. That will not be a pain, isn’t it????

    Basically there are 3 options and 1 work around.
    On-site, can understand that and can be handy, but not what I looking for.
    Paypal, nice to have it, it can process Credit Cards, Bank Accounts and Paypal credit.
    Stripe, Yes that one I need, it has multiple payment methods built-in. Like IDEAL, SEPA, Bancontact, GiroPay, SOFORT, stuff that is most used in Europe.

    One of the reasons my choice for Amelia was the ability to have multiple payment processors built in (via a service like Stripe). After creating a Stripe account, setting everything up and enabling the payment options I needed in my Stripe account only Credit Card appears on my ticket website.

    After digging to this open ticket system, more and more clear becomes it to me that Amelia connecting to Stripe offers only the Credit Card ability. First off all, Credit Cards are almost not used here in Europe (not even 1% of the total yearly transactions are with CC) and secound, Paypal is built in, they do also offer the ability to pay with Credit Card. So why offer 2 payment options that do basically the same????

    The website isn’t live yet, so I have still some time left, but I want to know if in the short (1 till 2 months) timespan the full range of Stripe Payment Methods will be supported?

    That will help the oversea area’s a lot!

    If not, I need to do the work around and install the Woocommerce plugin, this is not my ideal solution. I wanted to keep the website as clean as possible.

    Besides this mental breakdown (I really thought the Stripe integration was the icing on the cake), I recommend that Amelia make it more clear on their website that Stripe is ONLY used for Credit Cards and NOT the other Payment Methods they provide. Not that I had chosen a other program if I knew this upfront, Amelia comes the most close to what I need in a program and I’m still glad with it. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello BlazingDragon,

    Thank you for your purchase!

    We are sorry to hear that our payment options don't suit your needs. 

    Could you please tell me which Stripe option you would like to use? The iDEAL payments, or you want all of them to be available? 

    We must check this out and see how much time will we need for implementing this. We have also made a plan for couple of our future releases and a list with new features (the most requested features are in the top of our list so we work on them first, and we try to implement new features as many as we can). Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that it will be in the 1 month - 2 months from now. 

    I will add your suggestion to our internal list and you can check out our features suggestions following this link, so maybe you will find same/similar request to yours and vote for it. 

    Sorry I couldn't help more at this point. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask, 

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    BlazingDragon replied

    Hi Marija,

    Thank you for the reply.

    Speaking personally, IDEAL will be our main payment method. That one is by far most used here in The Netherlands and 96 of our ticket sales are to the Dutch audience. To also serve our east and south neighbors (Germany and Belgium) the other options of Bancontact, GiroPay, SOFORT would be welcome to make easy payments for them as well.

    My suggestion to offer all of Stripe payment methods had more to do with your (Amelia’s) European costumers. From my understanding in the US and some other countries, Credit Cards are the most popular. In Europe every country has its own preferred payment gateway. We all use the Euro (€) now (as of 2002) but the payment methods are not the same.

    The way I thought Amelia would handle the Stripe integration is this: After clicking the “Pay” button an new page or popup (like the paypal method) would show with the list/icons of the payment options you opened in Stripe. The customer select the option they want to use and finish the transaction with their preferred payment method.

    I also checked the link with the feature suggestions, but can’t find a similar one. I have some more suggestions written down, so will take some time this week submit them and give it a shot to see how the community reacts to it.

    -Email flexibility. Create email -> select the service(s) -> select status (e.g. pending, approved etc).
    -Automatically assign a unique ticket number and sending the ticket in a pdf document.

    The first of January 2020 the new website with Amelia embedded need to be live. So I think I will go for the Woocommerce integration. I have some little time left, so will first optimize other things and maybe in the meantime IDEAL is supported. Keep me posted ;)

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello BlazingDragon, 

    Thank you for your suggestion and for the detailed explanations!

    I will forward this to our development team so they can check out how much time and work this requires and when can it be implemented. 

    Yes, we do have a lot of US users so maybe that is why we haven't had such a suggestion so far. But, we do have a lot of European users as well (Netherlands included), maybe they are using the WooCommerce integrationsmile.png

    Please feel free to add your suggestions, maybe they will be widely accepted. Check there for something like 'Email flexibility', maybe there is something same/similar in the feature requests.  

    We have a list of customers who wanted some feature to notify them when the features are released, so I will add you to this list for Stripe. But also, you can subscribe to our newsletter following this link so you will be updated about the new updates and features. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,