  Public Ticket #2176662
Google / Facebook conversion tracking


  •  7
    Andrius started the conversation


    is there any ability to add conversion tracking code to Amelia forms? It's essential in order to better track site's performance. As far as I can see, the only way to currently do it is to redirect users to a specific page. 

    However, this doesn't really work either as the customer can close the window before clicking 'Finish' and accessing the final page.

    The booking success page sort of overrides the need for an additional final page. It would be nice to have the ability to choose either / OR instead of having both, because 1 - that's redundant (customer already got the message that booking was successful), 2 - it's impossible to track successful conversions as a result.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Andrius, 

    Yes, the first option would be setting Redirect URL in General settings of plugin, so when customers come to that Congratulations page they have Finish button, so when they click on it, they will be redirected to this URL.

    But if the customers leave the page before and you want different solution, as you said, you can use hooks like beforeConfirmedBooking that will be triggered when your customers confirm booking. You can set the redirect URL that you need like on this script (we use https://www.google.com as an example, but you will replace this with the URL that you want)

    window.beforeConfirmedBooking = function()
    window.location.href = "https://www.google.com";

    You should insert this script on the page where you have Amelia shortcode.

    Hope this helps!

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to ask, 

  •  7
    Andrius replied


    many thanks for your response. I've tried the script and it works. Would be great to see these sort of scripts to you documentation some day.

    Thanks a lot,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Andrius, 

    You are welcome!

    Great, glad to hear it worked!

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,