  Public Ticket #2176649
Payments / VAT & payment confirmation


  • Bev started the conversation


    Does Amelia liaise with PAYPAL plugin to confirm both booking and payment and how does this work?  Will Amelia put the booking on hold until payment confirmation has been received?  

    In other words, my client basically wants to see:  

    - a confirmation of the booking in the diary and 
    - confirmation of payment received and payment allocated to the relevant booking to ensure that work does not commence until payment has been received. 

    If this is not the case, would this need to be a manual cross-matching process of bookings against PAYPAL receipts? 


    UK services carry a 20% VAT surcharge - is Amelia able to cater for VAT in some way?  Preferably showing the VAT content to both end user and client?  

    Thanks in advance.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Bev, 

    Thanks for reaching out! We are glad you are interested in Amelia!

    When customers make a booking and pay through PayPal they get a notification of their payment, as well as you. You get the money transferred to your account after the booking process/payment.

    If you want to make sure that the payment went through you can make the "Default Appointment Status" as Pending in Amelia -> Settings -> General Settings and then when you see the money transferred to your account you can change the status of the Appointment to Approved (You can edit the appointments in Amelia -> Appointments).

    In Amelia, when customers make an appointment and pay through PayPal, if this is successful the appointment will be made in Amelia right away and both you and the customer will get notifications for it (this is done by Amelia, not PayPal). 

    You can read more about configuring payments following this link.

    VAT is not available as an option in Amelia, but this can be done using WooCommerce integration. You can read more about WooCommerce integration following this link

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,