  Public Ticket #2175070
Amelia Admin Booking


  • Nina started the conversation

    Hi there-- I'm wondering if, while booking appointments manually through the admin log-in (employee) rather than on the website (customer) side of things, there could be a way to over-ride set "company policies"? I appreciate having a 48hr restriction for online bookings, though would like to be able to input an appointment manually if I booked with a client over the phone or wanted to make a booking exception generally. Similarly, I'd also like to request the same control in booking through "breaks", as well as scheduling back-to-back appointments, if they're booked manually through the admin side. Are these features that can be utilized in Amelia? Thanks for your help on this! 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Nina, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    Unfortunately, this is not possible in Amelia at the moment. The 'company policies' apply to everyone, including admin, employees, etc. this is how the plugin is functioning for now. 

    We will add you suggestion in our feature list, since we try to implement new features (requested by our users) as many as we can, and the most requested features are in the top of our list. If this feature is requested more it will become one of our priorities. But, for now, I can't say exactly if and when this will be implemented and released. 

    You can check out the other feature requests and see whether there is a same/similar one to yours and vote for it following this link.

    Sorry I couldn't help more at this point. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask,